If you spend any time on YouTube looking for tips and tricks on how to launch a successful website, chances are that you will have come across Income School’s Project 24. At $449 for the first year, $199 renewal fee, this program can seem slightly pricey and the question therefore is, whether Income School’s Project 24 worth it?

Project 24 is absolutely worth every cent. Income School’s Project 24 is a great resource for people who want to make a full time income blogging in a niche, developing an authority site or launching a YouTube Channel in a way that avoids Google algorithm changes.

Jim Harmer and Rick Kessler have developed a unique approach to launching a successful brand online, which hits it out of the park:


  • A successful program
  • Very few negative reviews
  • Beginner friendly
  • No need to be a website expert
  • No need to use lots of plugins and tools
  • Incredible 60-step program with lots of extras
  • Constantly updated
  • No need to use finicky SEO tools
  • Approach seems to be “Google”-proof
  • Lots of free information on the web as proof that it works
  • Community of users to support you
  • Ridiculously fast and free theme for project members – replaces most SEO plugins


  • Can be slow to start
  • Jim and Rick seem to struggle with very highly competitive niches
  • Takes time to get used to
  • Can be pricey as it locks you in for a whole year at a time.
  • No refund
  • Jim and Rick do not seem to use their own theme
  • Lack of technical support for the theme

What is exactly is Project 24?

Project 24 is a membership. You’ll get access to a library of courses, an active member community, an exclusive podcast and other tools and resources.

Project 24 is a roadmap to online success. Jim and Rick will take you step by step through the selection of your niche, to establishing your online presence to launching your first blog or YouTube channel. On the way, you will learn to build content that ranks on Google and ranks for a very long time, pulling in views, increasing your reach.

Project 24 is divided into 60 steps, which take you from 0 to hero over 24 months – on average. Along the way, you meet specific milestones, which Jim and Rick have laid out for you – specific income goals, specific audience views – specific number of published assets. Your only task is to meet those targets, which will take you from a blank slate to “pizza day” – where you get enough from the site to buy a pizza – to replacement income level – all over a brief 2 years.

It is also a community filled with other bloggers and YouTubers, all willing to assist you and share their experiences along the way. Having been developed over many years, Project 24 is jam packed with tips and tricks, with very detailed instructions for every single step.

How does Project 24 compare with other programs or courses?

Simply put, Project 24 is not about using the latest and greatest moves to trick Google or YouTube – sure, these will help in the very short run, but at the same time, an alogrithm change or a decision by the AI that you are “gaming” the system and you can be blacklisted.

Other programs tend to offer a get-rich-quick program. “Follow my blueprint” and use these free funnels that I have made for you”. If these were truly effective, why would the other person sell these to you or give them away? It is counterintuitive – sure they would love to help you out, but at their own cost? Why are the other programs giving you the resources for free after you spend “only $69 per month” or “$995 on the package”, “but wait! there’s more!”? I mean, in the introduction they tell you how you can outsource the writing and use these funnels to make money, but then why give them to you? Why should other programs not hire the freelancers and make even more money? Oddly enough, once you sign up to most other programs, all you get is a link to a 3rd party program. The person you came to know and trust is no longer there!

Project 24 does not rely on these techniques. Rick and Jim make it clear – no refund, you need to do this for 24 months – hence the name – no “get rich quick” – and best of all, they regularly start a new blog using their techniques to show you that it can and does work.

So does it work?

Like all other programs Income School’s Project 24 only works if you put in the sweat equity. Yes, blogging is a passive income, in that you do not have to be there when the other person makes a purchase, but you do have to put up the facilities for them to buy…

Are you:

  • Willing to work along the checklist?
  • Willing to put in an honest effort – 2 or 3 hours a day on average?
  • Somewhat creative? After all, while copying is the truest form of flattery, it does not pay the bills..
  • Consistent enough to do this for at least 1 year and reach “Pizza day”?
  • Ready to face the unknown and risk critique? Every site will have its detractors.

Then, Project 24 is perfect for you and you will do great!

Who is Project 24 best for?

  • Absolute beginners – these would benefit the most from the program as all uncertainty is removed. Just work your way down the timeline and you will wonder why you were so scared and why so many people struggle with their blogs or YouTube channel.
  • Bloggers or YouTubers ready to walk down the right path. Many of us will have tried our hand at ‘the online thing” but did not have great success. Many of the 60 Steps may not be required and the scheduling of these steps may not be correct but overall, the blueprint can be used to set the channel/blog onto the right growth path. Once the first blog/channel is fixed, why not start a second income stream?
  • Bloggers who want to switch over to a YouTube channel. People buy from folks they trust. A YouTube channel allows for a more personal connection with your target audience, which in turns helps info-products sell.
  • YouTube Channels who want to setup a blog. This is definitely the easier path as a channel that is expanding should be getting steady views. However, the trust built up in the channel can evaporate at the click of a button if the blog does not meet expectations.
  • Narrow Niches. Project 24 is aimed at developing authority for your blog or channel. A narrow niche can certainly expand once successful but a broad niche will struggle to gain traction as its message will be too diluted.
  • Those who truly want a passive income. Project 24 aims at replacing your income in 24 months. Once there, to maintain this income as passively as possible. The easiest way is to hire ghost writers and looking at their YouTube feed, Jim and Rick certainly have tried this approach, to the point where they trained high-schoolers to produce content for them! With a stable of well trained ghost-writers, your niche can become passive.
  • Those who want to promote info-products or affiliate products for a fair sum of money. $5 purchases may be made instantly. $20 may require a little trust. Once the price tag is $100, there needs to be a real need or a deep trust in your site. This means becoming an authority in your field and your audience viewing you as an authority – something gained over time. Project 24 is not for the quick Facebook Ads approach where you spend a lot to gain small.
  • Those not hampered by the shiny-object syndrome. Let’s be honest, 2 years or 24 months is a fairly long timeframe. One just cannot build up a site and abandon it when fancy strikes. Those who can output 1-2 posts per day will do best. 1-2 posts per week is OK. That is around 100 posts per year at minimum.
  • Those who are happy with “good enough”. Project 24 relies on your producing a post in 90 minutes. Let’s face it… we are all busy but we can all spare 90 minutes a day. Maybe take 20 during lunch to outline the topic and bookmark sources, then 70 in the evening to knock out the post… Perfection is great, but will prevent your success.
  • Those who are tired of buying programs that do not work. Project 24 works. It has the track record to show that it works. Other programs rely on catching the right wave at the optimal moment. This is risky. If you have neither the cash nor the time to devote to a different premium program, this is the course for you.

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